Well, I was offered The Job on Monday, August 10, asked to come in and sign human resources paperwork on Tuesday, and start work on Wednesday. Oh No! You can't really mean that!!! I've just started seriously working on my homekeeping projects and I need at least a week! But, in I went on Tuesday, dinked around with HR for a couple hours, and then got a reprieve to go home - to take care of much-needed business. Mainly, going to the library and getting a book on tape to occupy my 50 minute each way commute. AND to prepare food for lunches so I wouldn't be caught with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day. 

So, you know, I've seen people do all these wonderful cooking tutorials on their blogs, with step-by-step instructions on how to make their new favorite dish. Well, this is what I did: Made a large batch of granola to eat in the car for breakfast on the way to work, along with a mug of tea. And I cooked some salmon that was in the freezer to put with a salad, as well as chicken breasts and turkey meatballs. Didn't do the step-by-step, but to the left, you can see the finished products. L-R, chicken breast, granola, salmon and turkey meatballs on the bottom. And you can see where I just had to sample the meatballs. They are pretty good, and I say so myself. In the last three months, I have dispatched all but one package of 3 meatballs. I am saving those for a special occasion. Anyhow, someone (George Patton?) said that an army marches on its stomach, and if that is true, I try to keep myself with plenty of eating options throughout the day. At least a good lunch, even if I eat it at my desk. I find this is especially important since I carpool and at least half of the time, I don't have a car to ziggy on out to the closest fast food joint (well, of course, I _could_ walk to the local liquor store, which is less than a quarter mile away, but I don't think that is really considered a lunch anymore, since sometime in the 80s or so, the 3-martini lunch fell into disfavor, more's the pity...because don't olives count for some kind of protein???). But then, there _is_ what Dorothy Parker said about the martini (which wouldn't probably be good for a 3-martini lunch, if you were expected back at work that same day...): and remember, I'm just quoting one of the great wits of the 20th century: "Oh God, I love the Martini, but only have one at the most; with two, I'm under the table, and three, I'm under my host!" Lucky woman, I say, but then, you can see where that wouldn't fit into the normal, staid, 2009 work schedule. But it's a fun idea, anyhow, don't you think?
So all in all, it is a good thing that I spent my last afternoon of freedom cooking lunches for myself, and I continue to do so on a regular basis. Don't you just love it when a plan comes together!?! Especially when it involves keeping my tummy happy!
Carry On! The Auld Girl
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