Next we have Marley in the snow. (I know, I know, I thought the name changed into Zoey, but I'm kinda hanging with Marley - even though that is my brother's dog's name...I still like the Jacob Marley connections.)
And lastly we have wee Toby in his
new raincoat (his friend Kip re-gifted it to him, as it was a bit too small for Kip) on Saturday - after the snow on Monday night/Tuesday, we had rain the rest of the week, and all the snow is now gone. Yippee!

So the fact that we got rain on top of snow is a deceiving kind of trick. For instance, on Wednesday morning when I looked out the back window, I saw it was wet, there were puddles, and in fact raindrops splashing in the puddles. Good, I think, wet, not snow. In my Earth Motherly fashion, I then went out to fill the heated birdbath so that (1) the birds would have a drink, and (2) the element wouldn't burn out from having a dry bowl.
Well, the first two steps were fine, they are under the overhang on the porch. The third one was a doozy, and I would up 3 steps later on my bum on the ground. OUCH!!! Bruised tailbone for sure. So, water is good, except if it is over still-icy snow. Lessons learned.

Other than that, work continues apace, and I am trying to get ready for my Christmas Present trip to San Diego. My family bought me a plane ticket home, and I leave at 7:10 am on Christmas eve and return to Spokane about 9 pm on Monday 28 December. I am so excited to see them all, and meet my new grand-niece, Mckayla. It will be a wonderful visit, I know.
Sad news is that my neighbor, Gale, is in hospital. He was on his way to WalMart and collapsed just as he got in the door. He has a few medical issues and isn't all that good about going to the doctor, if at all, and so he has to get a few things straightened out and then he can come home. He is one of those rugged individualists who just doesn't like giving in to authority. Please spare a prayer for his health. Thank you.
I am thinking this is my last visit until after the holidays, so please enjoy yourselves with family and friends and all my best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and health in the New Year, The Auld Girl.
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